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Ministries at First Church


-Choir Ministry

We believe that the music we sing, as an expression of our faith, is both a gift from and an offering to God. We are a “called choir,” called to express God’s grace and love through song. We believe that each singer has special gifts for the ministry of music.
We acknowledge that these gifts and the joy of music come from God. As recipients of God’s grace, we serve with a sense of gratitude for what God has given us.


The Young Women’s Christian Council is an organization of young women 18-50 years of age, married or single, whose prime purpose is to dedicate themselves in an effort to giving greater Christian service.  It is during this peak period that the arms of the church should reach out to them because they need the church and the church needs them.  This stage of life with its many passions, successes, and oft-times depressions; necessitates a firm concentration on God.

-Mother's Board

To encourage, teach and empower women to exercise Godly Wisdom in building, developing and empowering their families through the Word of God. Our Mothers’ Board consists of praying women. Our goal is to help build the kingdom of God and to teach women how to overcome obstacles.

-Sunday School

To promote change in the body of the Lord Jesus Christ through biblical instruction and equip saints to go out into the entire world and make disciples. “For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ”(Eph 4:12).

-Usher's Board

Our mission as the Ushers at First Church Pinnacle of Praise here in McKinney, Texas is to serve together to demonstrate GOD’s commission to us, to prayerfully promote an atmosphere where all those entering the church will feel welcomed, to meet the needs of the Pastor and congregation during service, and to keep distractions to a minimum.

-Young Adult Ministry

The Young Adult Ministry (YAMS), led by the Holy Spirit, seeks to provide spiritual nourishment, inspiration and guidance to adults ages 18 to 35. The ministry, which includes those that are single, married, widowed, divorced and with or without children, encourages proper spiritual and moral principles to empower christians to live as disciples of Jesus Christ.

-Youth Ministry

Minister to the spiritual, intellectual, physical, social, emotional and economical needs of children and youth.  We commit to developing services, programs and activities that will assist them in achieving their highest potential. The Youth mission is to continue the tradition of involving youth and young adults which has been taught in our governing church; The Church of God In Christ. 

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